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Hmmm... That's a very complicated question!! If you're seeing a Rheumatologist, I'm sure he/she has checked you for cushing's disease or referred you to an Endocrinologist If you've NOT seen an Endocrinologist, then I strongly suggest you get a referral to see one. Since you report the osteoporosis test was negative, then I personally would refer you to one if you had some of the following: Cushing's disease (ie an ACTH-secreting adenoma) Presenting symptoms * psychiatric disturbance (often characterised by amplification of previous personality traits) * moon face - particularly filling in of the temporal fossa [temple areas] * weight gain - central obesity [primarily body area] * muscle wasting and proximal myopathy (patients have difficulty standing from a seated position without use of arms) [weakness] * thin skin * - tendency to bruise * hirsutism (caused by androgen excess) [male hormones] See [The Pituitary] at

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Q: What could be wrong if you were told you were developing a dowagers hump but tested negative for osteoporosis but now your back just below your neck is so sore and painful that you can't lie on it?
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What is the medical term meaning a condition of painful muscle cramps resulting from a low amount of calcium in the blood?

The medical term is Osteoporosis.

What is the link between vitamin d and osteoporosis?

With onset of Osteoporosis, the bones become weaker and the joints become swollen and painful. Vitamin D, along with calcium, helps rebuild bone tissue and stop the progression of osteoporosis.

What happens to bones that are affected by osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis weakens the bones, makes them brittle and causes them to fracture/break easily. This is a very painful condition. The stage before osteoporosis is called osteopenia and if you are diagnosed with this condition there are medications that you can take to prevent developing full-blown osteoporosis. If you are at risk, you should not smoke and you should exercise and eat a healthy calcium-rich diet. The medications for osteopenia are also given to patients with osteoporosis, but it is better to take them before the disease progresses. You can have a bone density study if you are concerned.

What is vitamin d osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis basically means weak and brittle bones. It is a very painful disease. Vitamin D plays its part because it helps your bones absorb more calcium, which is very important with this disease.

What disease would be worse to have arthritis or osteoporosis?

they are both painful and debilitating, however, there are many medications on the market to help those who suffer from these diseases.

What is ostioperosis?

i think it means your bones are weak ans can be broken very easily, here i will give you information form webmd.comWhat is osteoporosis?Osteoporosis is a common disease that weakens bones. As it does, your risk of sudden and unexpected fractures goes up. Osteopenia is the forerunner of osteoporosis. It is a silent but destructive condition that robs bones during a woman's -- even a young woman's -- most productive time. No matter what your age or sex, osteoporosis and osteopenia can affect you. Your bones might seem sturdy now. You may be very active and doing the things you want to do. But osteoporosis and osteopenia are quiet, accomplished thieves. In fact, there are usually no visible signs. You may notice a loss of height or a Dowager's hump over time. But chances are good the first sign that you have one of these conditions will be a painful fracture.What is osteoporosis bone loss?The bone loss with osteoporosis occurs over many years and is severe. It's so severe that the normal stress on bones from sitting, standing, coughing, or even hugging a loved one can result in painful fractures and immobility. Then, after the first fracture, you are at risk for more fractures. These future fractures may cause you to live with daily chronic pain. They can cause you disability. They may rob you of your independence. That's why it's important to learn all you can about osteoporosis and osteopenia. Then you can take immediate steps to keep your bones strong. That way you can prevent bone loss and painful fractures.What are osteoporosis symptoms?Osteoporosis often progresses without symptoms or pain. Losing height may be noticeable. Or a Dowager's hump may develop with age. Usually, though, a doctor diagnoses osteoporosis after a painful fracture occurs. That fracture is usually in the back or hips. Painful fractures are debilitating and disfiguring. They can result in loss of mobility and independence.In WebMD's Osteoporosis Guide, you can read all about the latest medical recommendations and complementary treatments for preventing bone loss. You can read how to prevent osteopenia and osteoporosis and how to reduce your risk of painful fractures. In addition, you can read how osteoporosis medications, along with diet, exercise, and other lifestyle choices, can slow the rate of bone loss and help you prevent fractures.What is osteopenia?With osteopenia, there are no warning signs until you fracture a bone. Osteopenia is the forerunner of osteoporosis. If it isn't diagnosed and isn't treated, osteopenia can lead directly to osteoporosis. With osteoporosis, your bones become thin, weaker, and fracture easily. The good news is if you are diagnosed with osteoporosis, you can get treatments. Those osteoporosis treatments can slow bone loss, increase the amount of bone you have, and lower your chances of fractures. But there's no reason to wait until you can't reverse how weak your bones have become. Detecting osteopenia with a bone density test is easy. From there, making a plan to prevent disfiguring and painful fractures is simple.

What are degenerative changes?

Degenerative changes occur when the spine makes manifestations on its own. This often results in serious and painful problems related to the back such as osteoporosis or scoliosis.

What is often the first symptom that a canker sore is developing?

The initial symptom is a tingling or mildly painful itching sensation in the area where the sore will appear.

What is does it mean when you have a hard lump behind what if your nipple and it hurts When Your Only 11?

your breast may be developing. if it is very painful, possibly something else. then see a doctor.

Why do I still have pain in my bladder and painful urination and sensing to go potty after treatment and a negative urine test?

See a doctor. It could be serious.

What is the condition in which the body's bones became weak and break easily?

Fibrous dysplasia, Osteomalacia, Osteoporosis, and Osteopenia are all diseases that cause the thinning of bone. Fibrous dysplasia is a disease that affects one or more bones. During the course of this disease, growths or lesions replace healthy bone with fibrous tissue. This tissue elongates and thins the bone, making it weak and deformed. Osteomalacia is a disease caused by insufficient intake or malabsorption of vitamin D. It leads to soft, deformed bones that may be thin, brittle, and painful. Osteomalacia's affects can sometimes be stopped or reversed by high doses of vitamin D and sunlight. Osteoporosis is a disease marked by an extreme reduction in bone mineral density. This lowered bone mineral density is due to an imbalance between bone resorption and bone formation, usually caused by chronic malnutrition, hormonal defficiencies, medications, and/or diseases. Osteoporosis causes weakness, extreme fragility (increased fracture risk), thin and brittle bones, and occasionally loss of height. Osteoporosis is considered life-threatening and is usually treated with supplemental calcium, vitamin D, biphosphates, hormones, and physically strengthening activity. Osteopenia is another disease marked by low bone mineral density. The bone mineral density of an Osteopenic is not as severely reduced as someone with Osteoporosis, but the patient is highly susceptible to developing Osteoporosis over time. To prevent further bone loss, a doctor often prescribes supplemental calcium, vitamin D, biphosphates, hormone therapy, and/or extra physical activity. There are other bone-thinning diseases but the four above are the most frequently observed.

What does the nine of swords card mean in tarot?

Worry/sleeping alone/emotional suffering/painful experience/crying over a loss/death/negative card