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Without more detail - it could be anything from a harmless polyp to a cancerous tumour. Either way - a forum like this is no place to ask veterinary advice, as there's not way of knowing whether the contributor is qualified to advise you.

The best thing to do - would be to make an appointment with your vet. They'll examine the lump, and perhaps take a biopsy to test whether it's malignant or benign.

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Cancer is usually caused by a number of things low cell count, radiation exposure, etc. Tumors can form upon birth and lye malignant for a few years.

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Q: What could cause a tumor-like growth on a bearded dragon?
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No. Fireflies can kill due to neurotoxins that cause them to glow. Do not, under any circumstances, feed fireflies.

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Yes they are, there poison is similar to rattlesnake but there so primitive that a bite would just cause swelling and irritation

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When bearded dragons get too hot, they will gape (open their mouths). However, if you have a proper set up that allows them to thermo-regulate, gaping shouldn't be a cause for concern as they can just move to the cooler side of the terrarium.

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If your bearded dragon is female and old enough, she might be trying to lay eggs. It's best that you have a separate digging box filled with substrate she can lay her eggs in, as substrates like sand, calci-sand, wood chippings, gravel, and other similar substrates can cause impaction. However, your bearded dragon might also be trying to find a better basking or laying spot.

Does a pinky mouse cause a bearded dragon to have liver failure if eatin?

Nope - so long as you don't feed too many ! One a month is an adequate addition to their normal diet.