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There are many different types of disease process that could create these symptoms such as cardiac, neurological, endocrine like Diabetes and even cancer. Don't get alarmed just yet get to your Health Care Practitioner and get checked out.

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Q: What could cause dizziness and then a feeling of numbness from your head down your arms and sometimes chest and then coolness?
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What is the meaning of numbness?

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Dizziness could mean many different things; talk with a doctor about how you are feeling.

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Numbness on the left side of the chest that travels to the thigh can be caused by a pinched spinal nerve. If the numbness continues consult your physician.

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an breakup or pregnancy or even slight sign of PMS or depression

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Dizzy means feeling confused and like you're about to fall.

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They are odd sensations of tingling, burning, pinpricks, lightning-flashes of pain, or numbness

What if novacain feeling lasts 4 days?

go to your doctor you could have Dystonia but if its just numbness its not that. Dystonia is when you have uncontrolled muscle movements or numbness for extended periods of time.

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tiredness,always feeling sick,looking pale dizziness