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Your period will vary naturally, but if you missed a period entirely you should go see a doctor ASAP to see if you're pregnant.

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Q: What could cause period to come a week later every month then last month?
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What could cause my period to be 12 days late and then last for 13 days once I actually get it?

Your period could have come late because you may have ovulated later. A menstrual cycle can be affected by stress alone.

You missed your period 3 weeks ago could you be pregnant even if you had a negative test 2 weeks ago?

Maybe its cause your period is changing cycles. it might come later like it usually does

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A period should arrive somewhere between six to eight weeks. Since every woman is different, it could arrive sooner than that, or later than that.

What if you have your period later then you normally do?

you could be pregnant but there is a chance that it just came later then schedule, Your period will do that. if a week has gone by since you should have started your period i would contact your doctor to see if you are pregnant or not

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What if you had unprotected sex and then got your period two days later Could you still be pregnant?


If you get your period and spot blood once almost 2 weeks later after unprotected sex are you pregnant?

Yes you could be pregnant. Take a test when you miss you period. It could be implantation bleeding.

You had unprotected dex a day after period 3 days later im spotting blood could you be pregnant?


If you are in a motorcycle accident with out a helmet and die later with in a 6 month period of gun shot wounds who gets your statistics as to cause of death?

The autopsy would show cause of death.

The last day of your period was the 12 July when should you see your next period?

you should see your next period around 28 days after that. it could be a little sooner or later but around that area

Is their any way you can have a miscarriage every month?

The sperm don't hit it right every month and women don't ovulate every month. And not without you noticing your period being very irregular since the next bleeding will be pushed forward until the pregnancy hormones have settled. Sooner or later you will also have remains left that will cause infection. This is not very likely.

Should I have my period now at 12 years old?

12 is the approximate age, but everyone is different. Could be later.