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Q: What could cause right index finger numbness and sharp pain when finger is touched?
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Go to nearest emergency room for cardiac evaluation immediately....

What would cause numbness in left second toe?

Many things could cause numbness in the left second toe. It could be infection, inflammation, or trauma. If numbness persists for more than a few days, seek a physician's help.

What could cause numbness in right hand leg and lips?

Pinched nerve.Stroke.

What is the reason of numbness on the nose?

Poor blood flow could cause numbness...try drinking water regularly, past or current drug use could cause this, or also scarred tissue due to burns or frostbite.

I just started to have a shooting pain in my left hand that goes from the wrist to the middle finger only for a few seconds at a time. What could be the cause?

Hard to tell w/o exam and history. If you have been using your finger or hands more over the last week or two could, be just a strain. If it is more of a numbness or tingling and mainly at night or the first 2 or 3 fingers are also involved then you think more about carpal tunnel syndrome. Something called trigger finger can sometimes start out with vague finger pain etc..It is where you have a knot or nodule on your tendon and it can cause the finger to "trigger" or lock-up when bending and then straightening out your finger. If you have a pinched nerve in the neck you can sometimes get finger numbness or an ache, but you typically will have radiating pain down the arm from the neck and/or shoulder area.

Could a bone spur on the shoulders cause tingling and numbness across the chest?


You touched a stripers vagina and wiped off your finger on your pants a lot and 4 to 5 hours later you touched your ballsack could you catch anything?

if you touched only your ballsack that is yourscrotal sac, you wont develop any.

What could cause numbness?

In winter, nose numbness is very common due to the wind and cold. It's nothing to worry about and can be fixed with just going inside and getting warm.

What could cause nose numbness?

In winter, nose numbness is very common due to the wind and cold. It's nothing to worry about and can be fixed with just going inside and getting warm.

What can cause numbness and tingling on the inside of ones mouth?

There could be several medical conditions that cause numbness and tingling inside ones mouth. It can be an allergic reaction, a side effect from medicine, or canker sores. A doctor will be able to diagnose the problem.

What can cause your face to tingle?

there are different things which could cause tingling in the face, for example the tension associated with migraine can commonly cause numbness and tingling due to pressure.

What can cause trigger finger?

There are a few different things that could cause trigger finger. Disorders like gout, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes can increase one's odds of getting trigger finger.