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constipation can cause this. White mucus is okay as long as there isn't excessive amounts.It's also your body's way of lubricating your intestines , so if you notice what looks like pieces of toilet paper in your stools you don't need to be concerned

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14y ago
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8y ago

Sounds like it could be worms. I'd have it checked by a doctor if it doesn't go away in a day or two. It could just be something you ate also.

Those white stringy things in your stool are "worms" or parasites. You may benefit from a colon cleansing. I suggest you go to a health food store and have the proprietor show you what's available.

It does potentially sound like a parasite. Parasites enter the body when their eggs or larva are ingested either on contaminated or undercooked food, from dirt on hands, etc. Or sometimes through skin, such as when people get hookworm larva from walking on ground contaminated with dog or wild animal feces, this is called cutaneous larval migrans because humans are a dead end (not normal host) for this parasite.

Most definitely thread worms.

This link to the UK National Health website will tell you all you need to know.

I have them too and was tested. The doctor prescribed me worm medicine before the results came back, and the results were negative, but, the worm medicine seemed to rid my extreme stomach upset problems, etc. So, I think the test was wrong. The white things went away also after the medicine, but, now after a week they are coming back. I am set for a colonoscopy Monday. I think either the worms are back because its easy to be reinfected since medicine doesn't kill the eggs, or, it was something else. It sure looked like worms though. I'll fill you in after my colonoscopy. : )

To the person having the Colonoscopy next week. I do believe that you are correct. However, before I get to that can I advise you that before you go for your colonoscopy you'll have or will be given a powerful laxative probably in two small packets of power to be taken in two parts in a glass of water. I mustremind you to buy a good greasy barrier cream/ointment to protect your rectum between the bouts of Diarrhoea you willhave or you will be very sore. I doubt anything survives that.

You might want to review cooking methods particularly undercooked pork can carry tapeworm. Also, any pets you have, particularly dogs, are prone and can infect or re-infect a human if they are not treated.

Those could be worms. Don't worry they are treatable. You should go to your doctor and have them prescribe a medication for you. Thousands of people get those every year. You can get worms from just about anything, a candy bar, food not cooked all the way and from restaurants, if they don't cook food all the way.

Worms, tapeworms, you can get these from a pet, a child could anyway. Meds will take it away.

i think you better get your sen to doctors and have some worm tablets. make sure you use your own towel and flannel as not to contaminate anybody else. also make sure the rest of your family have a treatment of these tablets for about 2 weeks and have a even doseage. i hope this information has helped you and i do accept donations

Or, you may just have eaten something with long white fibers in it that day, in which case it makes sense your feces would have long white strings. Fiber is often indigestible, so it will come out looking the same as it went in, for example, when you eat corn, the kernels come out looking the same as they went in.

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12y ago

It can be undigested material or a sign of threadworms. You should definitely see a gastroentenologist. He/she will most likely suggest stool testing. (This is not something you should ignore.)

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9y ago

Long white strands in a child's stool could be a result of something they ate and wasn't digested properly. It can also be worms. You should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

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15y ago

Fiber. Foods like Bananas and many high fiber foods break down differently.

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it should be wooden I believe.

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