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I think it has something to with your pipes not your water. Your pipes are must probably rusty and it is coming out in the water.

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Q: What could cause the bath water to turn brown when coming out the faucet?
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I have never seen a faucet that has a nut on the line coming out of it. Usually it is a male connection and the nut is on the supply line between the faucet and the house supply. Anyway, if the line coming out of the faucet is messed up, you could probably cut it and use a compression fitting to go between the faucet and the supply line to the house line.

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A whistling noise coming from the shower faucet or when filling the bathtub could mean that there is excess air in the water line. This can be fixed by turning off the major water supply valve and then opening all of the faucets in the home for about 5 minutes. Shut all of the faucets off, then turn the water supply back on.

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Ants in your shower faucet could come from several different places. You may have cracks in your walls or floor that the ants are coming from, or they may have originated in another part of the house and found their way to the shower.

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Why does a little hot water come out of faucet brown?

If you are in a house, with a well, it could be iron in the water. But more than likely you have some pipes or fittings that are old and rusting.

Where could one purchase parts for a Grohe faucet?

One could purchase parts for a Grohe faucet by going to the Grohe website. The website can be used to purchase faucet parts directly from the Grohe manufacturing plants.