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a condition called IBS- irrital bowl syndrom. Not the lovelist thing BETTER ANSWER: i dont know

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Q: What could cause your tummy to feel bloated like you need to pass wind and have pains in your tummy?
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you get a fat bloated tummy filled with air

Can people die with tummy pains?

People can die with pain, yes. If you meant, "Can people die from tummy pains", then that's slightly more complex. Pain is a symptom of a larger problem. Likely, you would not be dying from the pain itself but from the problem causing the pain. There are many many conditions that can cause stomach pains.

What is wrong with your puppy if its tummy is bloated?

If your puppies tummy is bloated the most common reason is that it has worms. I myself have a Great Dane puppy that had a "bloated tummy" and the result was worms. There are medications the vet can give you to treat the worms, some cases are more serious than others. A serious case would include uncontrollable diarrhea and symptoms alike. ~ Hope I helped & hope your puppy gets feeling better. (: ~ From dograchie123

What if your tummy feels bloated and you feel sick like you need to burp?

You need to throw up

Why is stomach heavy with pains below the tummy?

If you're a Female its cramps.

What is the cause of a bloted tummy in women?

Bloated tumy could be due to various causes like - 1) More deposition of sub cutaneous fats that occurs lack of physical activities, taking more junk and fast foods or fried foods, hormonal changes like after delivery. 2) More gas formation or acidity with gas formation also the cause of bloted tummy. 3) other causes are related to disaeses like ascitis ( accumulation fluid in abdomen) or in pregnancy also there is a large tummy

How far on can you be before you have any symptoms of being pregnant?

i got bad back ache and pains in my tummy

You had sharp pain in left side off tummy then had a period?

It was probably ovulation pains, I get them pretty often

Can you let your horse eat before riding her?

You can..but once you have the bit in do not let it eat or drink could choke.

Is it possible you are pregnant because you got your period 2 weeks early and have been having tummy pains?

Yes it is.

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