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Sore throat or if it hurts really, really bad it could be strep throat

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Q: What could i have if i don't have a cold but my throat hurts when i swallow?
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What can it be if your throat hurts?

You could have a cold or a strep infection. You could also have tonsilitis.

Is there something wrong with me I have had a really sore throat for 4 days now and it hurts to swallow cough or yawn What do you think?

you may have a severe cold or flue

What does it mean when throat hurts when swallowing but no fever and lack of allergies?

It probably hurts when you swallow b cuz you have a sore throat or sinus infection. A sinus infection is germs or bacteria in ur throat. Dont drink any thing that is cold just gargle salt in water n u will b okay.

What are symptoms of sore throat?

Well 1.scratchy voice 2.Hurts when eating 3.Hurts when drinking 4.Hurt when talking 5.Hurts generally 6.DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT drink cold water (anything cold)

How do you know when you have a sore throat?

I had it when I was about 9 and i have it right now at 18, or so my scary doctor says. Personally I have swollen tonsils and my right one feels like it's about to burst, it is extremely difficult and painful to swallow, I'm constantly thirsty and I have a small cold, like just a runny nose.

Have a massive headache weak and throat hurts what is the symptom?

Ok... I think it's a slightly more severe version of the common cold.

You just threw up and your throat hurts how do you fix it?

Best Answer - gargle salt water 1st answer - drink ice cold water

How come when you swallow your throat hurts?

It may be because you simply have swollen glands. This is harmless and should go away soon, unless it is a symptom of a disease/virus like strep or mono. So if it lasts more than a few days(most likely while also accompanied with other symptoms like fatigue and a fever) then you should definitely go to the doctor.

Is there an oxymoron in Esperanza Rising?

Yes, there is an oxymoron in "Esperanza Rising." An example is when Esperanza describes the fire in her throat as she struggles to swallow the bitter taste of the hard, cold unripe apricots. The juxtaposition of fire and cold creates an oxymoron.

My ear itch and i feel a sharp pain in my throat?

This could just be the coming of a cold or throat infection. Whenever i am getting a throat infection or just a general sore throat my ears itch as well as my throat hurting. If this continues you should go to the doctors as it could be something worse.

How do people get Sore throat?

Sore throats are most commonly caused by a virus such as strep, a cold, the flu, and mono. A sore throat could also mean you need to get your tonsills removed, It could also mean Allergies or in rare cases, throat cancer

Do you get sore throat by drinking cold water?

You won't get a sore throat by drinking cold water.