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it could mean a number of things from a small tear in the urinary tract somewhere to bladder cancer! if you have just had a catheter inserted or other trauma to the urinary tract this can be fairly normal. however, if this problem has come on suddenly and with no obvious cause see your GP about it!

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Q: What could it mean if there is blood in your urine but no white blood cells in the blood?
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What does it mean when you have white blood cells in urine?

White blood cells are indicative of an infection.

What does it mean to have while cells show up in you urine?

White blood cells are usually not found in the urine due to the kidney. When there are white blood cells in the urine this if due to an infection. The kidney becomes inflamed and this allows the passing of white blood cells.

What is WBC in a urine test?

Just 'white blood cells' - could maybe indicate an infection.

Is it normal to have small amount of white and red blood cells in urine?

because we have more white blood cells in our body. So when you excrete your waste some of the white blood cells go along with the wasted urine. That's why your urine isn't allways yellow it also could be a type of WHITE. but we could still be healthy, because we also have red blood cells to help us stay healthy.

White cells and blood in urine?

go to the docter

What changes might bacteria cause in urine?

Bacteria in the urinary tract could cause blood or elevated protein in the urine. Urine may also contain white blood cells which came to fight the infection.

WHAT ARE White specks in urine?

If you have no other issues, it is normal to have little white specks, and/or a stringy white discharge in your urine. Fat deposits (tiny white lumpy things) are normal. Urinating is a means of discharging waste from the body, and all of the above is common.

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The presence of this material in the urine results in pyuria?

white blood cells

What does it mean if you have white blood cells in your urine?

there is urinary tract infection

What do i have if you have if white blood cells are in your urine and it hurts to urinate?

Usually white blood cells (leukocyte's) are found in the urine at raised levels when an infection is present.

How does provigil affect white blood cells and platelets?

the white blood cells could attack the red blood cells and a horrible collision could occur