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There are a multitude of reasons for bleeding between periods, but any bleeding should be investigated by a doctor because some of the causes can be serious. Better to get it checked and find out it is caused by something insignificant than to risk missing a cancerous condition.

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Q: What could it mean if you know you're not pregnant because you're a virgin but are spotting blood 2 weeks after your period?
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Can a virgin be pregnant while having a period?

If you are virgin chances are you have not had sex, and so cannot become pregnant.

When you are not pregnant because you are still a virgin what is the reason for not having your period?

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Was Mary a virgin becaue she had not had a period?

she may had a period, she was a virgin because she had not had intercourse

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that a virgin couldn't get pregnant, because she was a virgin

Can a girl still have her period even if she is a virgin?

Yes, all girls have periods. If you skip your period you are probably pregnant. Periods tell you that you are not pregnant.

Is it normal to get brown discharge 4 days before period in virgins?

Yes, it is completely normal to get brown discharge for four days before your period, this is spotting which is just light bleeding as your period starts. A virgin is absolutely no different to a non-virgin.

What could cause you to miss your period for 3 months if you are not a virgin?

you might be pregnant

I had unprotected sex right after period but now im spotting what is that a sign of?

If you were a virgin, it is just a normal occurance after the first time, and is nothing to worry about.

You are still a virgin you were at last day of your period and your boyfriend came around your private you cleaned it up really fast what are the chances of you being pregnant?

You can still get pregnant from pre-ejaculation. And on your period or not, you can still get pregnant.

How can you tell if you are a pregnant virgin?

You cannot be a pregnant virgin

I am a virgin My period is always regular and this month it is late Could there be something wrong?

Stress can sometimes delay a period along with many other things. If the woman is a virgin, she does not have to worry about being pregnant.

What does it mean if a 17 year old virgin -female- shows symptoms of being pregnant but has on n off preiods?

If you are a virgin, and have not come into contact with any semen, it is NOT possible for you to be pregnant. You likely just have an irregular period which is very common for women your age.