

What could make well water smell slightly like gasoline?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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Could be anumber of things. Get it lab tested for quality.

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Could be something bad in the ground. Get a sample tested.

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Q: What could make well water smell slightly like gasoline?
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Physical: Gasoline's specific gravity is 0.739, and water's is 1.000 (or close to it, depending on what's dissolved in it), so you could use a hydrometer or a scale to determine the heavier liquid. Chemical: They smell different because they're made of different things.

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Coffee grounds. Buy some coffee grounds from the store. Spray the area that the gasoline spilled in your car with some water and then rub in the coffee grounds. WAit a few hours or even a day or two and then vaccuum out the coffee grounds. and the smell should be gone!

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You engine contains coolant, oil, transmission fluid, P/S fluid, brake fluid, gasoline, & windshield washer fluid. Smell of the fluid, and if it has no smell it is not gasoline. If it is not slick to the touch it is not oil, transmission fluid, or P/S fluid. So that leaves brake fluid, or windshield washer fluid. Brake fluid does have a slight smell, and may be slightly slick, if you pay close attention. Look at the area it is coming from and this is a clue to what is leaking. Try laying a piece of white paper under the vehicle and see what it looks like on paper. Color is a clue.You engine contains coolant, oil, transmission fluid, P/S fluid, brake fluid, gasoline, & windshield washer fluid. Smell of the fluid, and if it has no smell it is not gasoline. If it is not slick to the touch it is not oil, transmission fluid, or P/S fluid. So that leaves brake fluid, or windshield washer fluid. Brake fluid does have a slight smell, and may be slightly slick, if you pay close attention. Look at the area it is coming from and this is a clue to what is leaking. Try laying a piece of white paper under the vehicle and see what it looks like on paper. Color is a clue.

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To get rid of the bad smell in water, you should buy a filteration system. But if you are looking for a less expensive way, you could boil water before you drink it.

Why do cars work with gasoline and not water?

Because water is not a flammable substance and gasoline is.