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Time travel and some Nuclear concepts. enter Albert Einstein.

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Q: What could not be explained by Newton's laws?
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Who discovered the earth and moon stay in orbit?

It was first fully explained by Newtons theory of gravity and laws of motion, but the theory built on previous work by Kepler.

Advantages of newtons laws?

With newtons laws of motion we can expand and improve technology because the three laws are the base of rocket science

What are the possible questions in the laws of motion?

Predict if Newtons Laws Were never created? or Say you found out what newtons laws was what would you name them and why?

Why do you call newtons theories laws?

the laws of motion

When two object collide their momentum after the collision is explained by?

Newtons law

When 2 objects collide their momentum after the collision is explained by?

Newton's Laws of motion. Specifically, his Second (F = ma, or more generally, F = dp/dt) and Third (F1 = -F2) Laws.

Was there any observations of the planet mercury which could not be explained by newtons theory of gravity?

yes there were observations of the planet mercury but were hard to explain by Issac newtons theory of gravity as scienctists didn't have enough information to investigate more on the subject.

Do Newtons laws apply to rotational motion?

Yes sir! The complex planetary orbits were correctly figured out due to Newtons Laws.

What laws of motion explained Kepler's proposal of elliptical orbits?

The general laws about the planets' orbits were known before Newton - mainly, through the three Laws of Planetary Motion, by Kepler. Newton showed that the movement - as explained in Kepler's Laws - was a result of the laws of motion (especially Newton's Second Law), and of the force of gravitation.

How do newtons three laws of motion relate to missiles?

Newton's Laws are the Laws of Missiles!

What was Isaac newtons accomplishments?

what was isaac newtons accomplsihments.? what was isaac newtons accomplsihments.?

Project examples describing newton's laws?

newtons laws are buggin