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'Nosferatu' is another name for a vampire.

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Q: What count is also known by the name 'Nosferatu'?
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What is another name for 'Dracula'?

In no specific order: Count Orlock. Count Dragule. Count Olrox. Nosferatu. Count Orlock Nosferatu. Vlad Țepeș (Vlad Tepesh), Vlad Dracul, Dracul, Draquo, Dragonking, Lord of Vampires, The count.

What is the other name for nosferatu?

Nosferatu mean 'plague carrier' which is what Count Orlock did to the city of Bremen.

Is nosferatu a vampire?

The 1922 Nosferatu is a German Horror film about Vampires where the title character Nosferatu is a Vampire by the name of Count Orlov. Nosferatu is also a Vampire Clan in Vampire: The Masquerade by World of Darkness. Nosferatu is also a synonym of Vampire as publicized by Emily Gerard (compiler of Transylvanian Folklore) and Bram Stoker (Author of Dracula).

How do you spell Nosferatu in plural form?

The plural form of Nosferatu is Nosferatu. It is a classification of supernatural creatures (vampires), not the name of a single individual. In the 1922 film of the same name, the fictional Count Orlok is a Nosferatu, or "bird of death."

What was the vampire's name in N osferatu?

The vampire's name in "Nosferatu" was Count Orlok.

Who is another name for vampire?

Nosferatu - Greek for disease carrier. Was once used to refer to Count Dracula but was more famously applied to Count Orlock as he actually did initiate a plague in the city of Bremen.

Is there any other name for nosferatu?


What was the name of the first vampire move?

The name of the first vampire movie is "Nosferatu," a silent film released in 1922. It is an unauthorized adaptation of Bram Stoker's novel "Dracula."

What year did the first vampire movie come out and the name of the movie?

"Nosferatu" (1922). It stars Max Schreck.

What are the names of vampire that don't burn down from the sun?

They actually do not have any special name. Mythological vampires do not burn in the sun. Neither any vampire from a story that had been written before 1922 did. The first vampire who burned in the sun was Count Orlok in the film "Nosferatu" (1922).

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Mala beads, also known as Hindu prayer beads, are mainly used to keep count while chanting a mantra or deity name. Mala beads have 108 beads in their rings.

What is another name for Count Dracula?

Bram Stoker may have been thinking of Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia, whose Romanian name was Drăculea or Drakulya, but more commonly known as Vlad the Impaler because of the cruel punishments he imposed on his enemies. In Latin documents, Vlad signed his name as Wladislaus Dragwlya or Drakwlya.