

What countries are Asia at war with now?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What countries are Asia at war with now?
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European countries vs Asia and Africa .

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World War 2 began in Asia and Europe because that's where the aggressors (the countries who started the war, Germany and Japan) are located.

What countries in Asia participated in world war 1?

China, Japan and Thailand.

How has life changed in East ASia since World War 2?

East Asia has become modernized and the countries are no longer primarily agrarian nations.Their populations have skyrocketed.Their religions have changed.Some tribal people have become civilized.The world trade has increased dramatically.They have world banks now.Their industrialization boosted their economies.Many of them are now 2nd or first world countries rather than 3rd World countries as they were in the war time.Women have had their lives improved and some work at professional jobs now.

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Pakistan, Bangladesh

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North Korea is one and if you now more improve

What countries can you find the cheetah?

They used to live in Asia, but now they only live in Africa.

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Japan was at war in Asia, Germany was at war in Europe. Both of those countries were engaged in territorial conquests.

What countries were innvoled in World War 2?

All of the countries in Europe as well as North America, Asia, South America, and Australia