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Q: What countries did president Madison say the US was not allowed to trade with?
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Free trade amongst Canada, the US, and Mexico. This allowed all three countries to trade products without paying the tariffs (taxes) on them, which was an economical strain. By having NAFTA it allowed barriers to be broken amongst the countries, allowing them to have an increase in trade and investments which benefited the countries greatly.

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What was the trade policy that president Madison proposed?

President Madison proposed a trade policy known as the Non-Intercourse Act of 1809. This act aimed to replace the Embargo Act of 1807 by allowing U.S. trade with all nations except Britain and France, who were engaged in a war that was negatively impacting American commerce. The goal was to use economic pressure to encourage Britain and France to respect American neutrality and stop interfering with American shipping.

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How did James Madison feel about slave trade?

He was against the slave trade.

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A merchant argues that he should be allowed to trade in other countries despite government regulations. :)

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It allowed the Greeks to trade with nearby countries. There is more to it, but that is just ONE of the many answers.

Who is responsible for directing trade negotiations and formulating international trade policies for the us?

The U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), an agency within the Executive Office of the President, is responsible for leading trade negotiations and developing U.S. trade policy. The USTR advises the President on trade policy issues and represents the United States in trade negotiations with other countries and international organizations.