

Best Answer

Djibouti, Djibouti

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Monaco, Monaco

San Marino, San Marino

Singapore, Singapore

Vatican City, Vatican City

Panama, Panama

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There is only one country in the world where the capital city shares the same name as the country itself, and that is San Marino.

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Q: What countries have the same name as their capital city?
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The capital city that shares the same name as its province is Quebec City, located in the province of Quebec, Canada.

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Every country in the world has a capital city. This is where the country's government will conduct business. There are no two countries in the world that share the exact same capital.

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The country that has a capital city with the same name as the country and is the largest city in the world is Russia. The capital is Moscow, which is also the largest city in Russia.

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Algeria has a capital city with a name that is not the same as the country. Algiers is the capital and largest city of Algeria. Panama City is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Panama. Djibouti City is the capital and largest city of Djibouti. Guatemala City is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Guatemala.

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The small African country that shares the same name with its capital city is Djibouti.

What European country and Capital City share the same name?

The European country and capital city that share the same name are the country of Luxembourg and the capital city of Luxembourg City.

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Guatemala City (Guatemala) and Panama City (Panama). The capital of El Salvador is San Salvador, which is close.

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