


Djibouti is a country in Northeast Africa. It is bordered by Eritrea in the north and Ethiopia in the south. With a total population of 818,159 (as of 2009), it is one of the least populous countries in Africa.

212 Questions

What are the main bodies of water in Djibouti?

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The main bodies of water in Djibouti are the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea. The Gulf of Tadjoura, a deep inlet of the Gulf of Aden, is also an important body of water in Djibouti.

What is the record high temperature in Djibouti?

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The highest temperature ever recorded in Djibouti is 48.9°C (120°F), which occurred in June 2013 in the capital city, Djibouti City.

Is Djibouti a natural place?

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Yes, Djibouti is a country located in the Horn of Africa with a unique natural landscape that includes desert areas, salt lakes, and volcanic formations. It is known for its diverse ecosystem, including rare wildlife and endemic flora.

What is the absolute location of djibouti?

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The absolute location of Ethiopia is hardto find so I went to google to find a absolute location finder and clicked on and found that the absolute lacation is:

9° 8' N/ 40° 29' E

What is the hottest temperature in djibouti Africa?

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The highest temperature ever recorded in Djibouti, Africa was 51.8°C (125.2°F) in June 2013. Djibouti experiences extreme heat due to its location in the Horn of Africa and its desert climate.

What kind of land would you most likely find in the African country called Djibouti?

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In Djibouti, you would most likely find arid desert landscapes, rocky plateaus, and salt pans. The country's terrain is characterized by rugged mountains, including the dormant Ardoukoba volcano, and the Great Rift Valley running through the country. Djibouti also has coastal areas along the Red Sea, including sandy beaches and coral reefs.

What is the literacy rate in Djibouti?

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The literacy rate in Djibouti is around 70%, with slightly higher rates among males compared to females. Efforts are being made to improve access to education and literacy levels in the country.

What are the major crops of Djibouti?

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The major crops grown in Djibouti include fruits such as dates, bananas, and citrus fruits, as well as vegetables like tomatoes, onions, and peppers. Livestock farming is also a significant part of the agricultural sector, with goats, sheep, and camels being raised for meat and dairy production. Additionally, qat, a stimulant plant that is commonly consumed in the region, is also grown in Djibouti.

Who are famous writers in djibouti?

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Hassan Gouled Aption (1916-)

political leader

How do they say hello in djibouti?

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Is Djibouti a less developed country?

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Yes Djibouti is a third world country

What kind of government is Djibouti?

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Djibouti is a semi presidential republic, with a president (Ismael Omar Guelleh) and a prime minister (Dileita Mohamed Dileita).

The choke point between Yemen and Djibouti?

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The Bab-el-Mandeb (variously transliterated Mandabor Mandib, and with article "el-" given also as "al-", with or without connecting dashes) meaning "Gate of Tears" in Arabic (باب المندب), is a strait located between Yemen on the Arabian Peninsula and Djibouti and Eritrea, north of Somalia in the Horn of Africa, and connecting the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden. It is sometimes called the Mandab Strait in English.

How many people in Djibouti speak French?

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There are 800,000 people in Djibouti. French and Arabic are the two official languages of the country and are taught in schools. The native French speakers account for only 2.2% of the population. In everyday life, people tend to speak Somali (also called Issa - 60 % of the population), Afar (about 20% of the population), and French which is mostly used in the capital and in administrative communications. The capital concentrates more than half of the country's population and it is safe to assume that only a half of the population can use it.

What do people from Djibouti call themselves?

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A Djiboutian.

What do women in djibouti wear?

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Women in Djibouti are use to seeing the styles of the United States. Since the French are a dominant figure in the area you can wear what you are use to.

What is djibouti's capital of country?

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Djibouti is a place which lies in the north eastern part of Africa.It does not have a capital of itself.

Is Djibouti a country?

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Yes. Its the name of the only principal city within, and the name of the country.

What is the national tree of Djibouti?

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Forested area accounts for less than one percent of Djibouti's total land area, but their "Day Forest National Park" in the northern part of the country boasts four dominant species: the African juniper, African olive, the camphor bush, and the "Buxus hildebrantii".

What is Djibouti's national animal?

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hedgehogs, camels, wild dogs, bat, oryx, foxes, porcupines, etc

Which continent is Djibouti?

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Djibouti is physically located upon the Horn of Africa (north east Africa).