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Germanic people come from Scandinavia, Germany, the Lowland countries, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, and the United Kingdom.

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Q: What countries in Europe are part of the Germanic region?
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Why is the EU considered a region?

Some people may think it is a region because it has countries in it and all those countries are in the same part of the world, and some people think the European Union is the same thing as Europe. The European Union is not a region though. It is an organisation that has countries as members. There are many such organisations around the world. The UN is not a region, NATO is not a region, the Commonwealth is not a region, and neither is the European Union. Europe is a continent and you could say it is a region. A large amount of the countries in Europe are not in the European Union.

What is Metropolition countries?

it means it is a part of a region it means it is a part of a region

Is greece a scandinavian country?

NO. Scandinavia is a region in the northern part of Europe. Greece is in the southern part of Europe. Greece is part of the larger region of the Balkans.

Which region of Europe is Belgium located?

The Central-Western part of Europe

How many countries in europe are landlocked?

If the Caucasian countries are counted as part of Europe, then Europe has the most landlocked countries, at 19.

Is Europe part of the central powers or allies?

Europe was part of both. Europe is not a single country, but a collection of countries.

What culture region is Germany part of?

Western Europe.

Are English Nordic People?

No, English people are not considered Nordic. Nordic refers to the region of Northern Europe, which includes countries such as Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland. English people, on the other hand, are from England, which is part of the United Kingdom.

What is the name of countries in Europe of which Germany is a part?

Germany is the only country in Europe of which Germany is a part.

What Asian countries that are also part of Europe?

turkey and russia are the two that are mostly knowen as being part of both asia and europe but there are a couple of other asian countries that have a small part of their country in europe.

Is central Europe the same as eastern Europe?

No. Central Europe is a loose term for countries that are geographically in the centre of Europe, but it would include some of the countries that are traditionally also regarded as being part of eastern Europe and some countries that are traditionally regarded as being part of western Europe.