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Q: What countries live around Africa?
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They live in Africa and Asia but they can also live in the zoo around the world so any place really!

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if you are referring to Zebras: While there are a few zebras living in zoos around the world, they are only found in the wild in one continent- Africa. Plains zebras, which live in grassland, live all around Africa. Mountain zebras, which (as the name suggests) live in mountainous regions, live in dry southern African countries- Angola, Namibia and South Africa. Grevy's zebras, which live in shrubland and grassland, live in Northern African countries- Kenya and Ethiopia.

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Currently, Namibia, Botswana, and Tanzania are the countries with major populations of Khoisan-speakers.

What countries are in Africa and what is famous about Africa?

There are 53 countries in Africa and around 53 islands, although some arent really a part of Africa

Do african elephants live only in africa?

no they live in different countries to