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RAF stands for Royal Air Force. It was and is the British air force.

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Q: What countries made up the RAF during World War 2?
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When was RAF Coastal Command during World War II created?

RAF Coastal Command during World War II was created in 1936.

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When did the RAF Deeat Germany in World War 2?

I'm a bit surprised by the suggestion that the RAF defeated Germany. Didn't they get a wee bit of help from ... lots of other groups and countries?

Who was in-charge of the RAF during World War 2?

Arthur Harris was in charge of Bomber Command.

What were the roles of women in the world wars?

Women farmed, made bombs and helped the RAF.

Where and how roald Dahl spent his time during World War 2?

He flew a flighter plane in the RAF.

What plane was the raf trained on during World War 2?

"Spitfires" were the main "fighter" planes. "Hurricanes" were important too, particularly during the "Battle of Britain". There were several other fighter planes too. There were also several types of "bombers" and other planes.

Why is the raf the best?

The RAF is the best becasue it has world class aircraft such as the typhoon!

What organistion did Dahl join when war broke out?

Roald Dahl joined the Royal Air Force (RAF) when World War II broke out. He became a fighter pilot and served in the RAF during the war.

What was RAF in World War 2?

The RAF is the abbreviation for the Royal Air Force, of the UK. The RAF played a key role in the Battle of Britain.

What was the top scoring RAF squadron of World War 2?

RAF Sqd. 249 based in Malta was the TOP scoring Sqd. or the RAF

Who formed the RAf?

The RAF was founded in 1918, toward the end of World War I by merging the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Naval Air Service. After the war, the RAF was greatly reduced in size and during the inter-war years it was used to "police" the British Empire. probably the Queen that founded it.