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Q: What countries pollute CO2 the most?
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Related questions

How do humans pollute the environment?

only slightly because we exhale co2 but trees absorb most of that.

How humans pollute the environment?

only slightly because we exhale co2 but trees absorb most of that.

What does exhaust pollute the air with?

Nitrogen and co2

Can talking pollute the earth?

No, because the trees need the CO2 which we breathe out when we talk to survive, so they take in the CO2 so it doesn't pollute the earth.

How does coal pollute?

It releases CO2 into the air (CO2 is carbon dioxide) which destroys the Ozone layer

Do ants pollute?

They are co2 producers, although they do have a smaller carbon footprint...

Does carbon dioxide pollute water?

Dissolved carbon dioxide- free CO2- can pollute water by increasing the acidity to unhealthy levels

Does combustion of compressed natural gas pollute the air?

Yes. Mostly by the production of CO2.

What kind of cars pollute the earth?

Bugatti Veyron, rated at a whopping 571g/km CO2.

What countries produced the most total of CO2 in 2000?

Greece, Europe, Japan, and Australia.

Do pennies pollute?

Pennies can pollute if they are lying around everywhere. Most people pick up pennies eventually so they don't heavily pollute.

What planet is the most polluted?
