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India,Pakistan, Iraq, France ,Russia, crime rate down in these countries because the people know if you steal they will cut off your hand,etc...

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Q: What countries still use corporal punishment and how are the crime rates?
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The United States has a relatively high crime rate compared to many other developed countries. However, rankings can vary depending on the specific crime rates being compared. For example, the US has a high rate of violent crime, but may have lower rates of other types of crime when compared to some other countries. It's important to consider that crime rates can also vary within different regions or cities within a country.

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Not all countries publish crime rates so it is not possible to answer this question

How do crime rates relate to arrest rates?

They don't Arrest rates vary all over the world - as do crime rates. There would not appear to be a correlation between the two.

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The crime rate is always higher than the clearance rate.

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Do states with firearms have lower crime rates?

Depends on which crime you are talking about

Is NYC a safe place to move with a child?

Crime rates vary. You can compare city crime rates using the link below.

Where do Trinidad and Tobago stand in the world rank of crime rates?

Trinidad and tobago are ranked no. 1 in the world rank of crime rates