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Q: What countries use Roman law as a basis for their today?
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What are some examples of ways Roman philosophy and law have affected modern life?

Influence of Roman law in U.S. is shown in the use of legal terminology used today, and also formed basis for civil procedures Roman law began as an attempt to codify a set of legal principles for all citizens. Common-law countries, like the United States, enact statutes and even comprehensive codes, while civil-law countries have laws that have been developed by the courts.

What is the roman code of law?

It is important to know the different laws of the different times. Roman law is the law code of ancient Rome. It forms the basis of civil law in many different countries today.

What is the punishment for stealing in today's Roman society?

Roman society today is subject to Italian law which, like most other countries, punishes stealing with time in prison or jail.

The original basis of most legal systems today is what law?

The basis of most WESTERN law systems is Common Law.

What was Justinian I famous for?

Justinian I was famous for the uniform rewriting of the Roman law, which is still the basis of modern civil law in many countries. He was also famous for his building masterpieces, such as Hagia Sophia.

Why is roman law important to us today?

Roman law is important to us today becasue our society uses many of the roman laws of ancient Rome

What is the basis of Roman Law?

The basis of Roman laws discuss ways to enforce rules and regulations on people to maintain order and safety. The law includes punishments for certain crimes committed.

What are two systems of law in use today?

English common law & the Roman Civil law

What is the basis of law?

The basis of Roman laws discuss ways to enforce rules and regulations on people to maintain order and safety. The law includes punishments for certain crimes committed.

Why is Roman law important to the EU problem?

I do not know whether Roman law is important to the EU problem. Roman law has provided the foundation for the civil law of many modern European countries. I do not know what role Roman law plays in the legislation of the EU.

What was the magna carta made for?

It was made and developed the basis for constitutional law that we have today.