

What countries use child labor?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Here are a couple of countries that uses child labor: Vietnam, Afghanistan, Ecuador, Ghana, Ukraine, and more

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Q: What countries use child labor?
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How child labor affects the devolopment of the nation?

While child labor can help the country develop economically, it hurts the country's reputation with the rest of the world. Most first world countries consider child labor incredibly unacceptable and often not use products which come from countries which use child labor. It is because of this that development in these countries is often slow.

Where was child labor being used?

Answer:Child labor has existed in the history of almost every country in the world, including the United States. Some countries in Central and South America, Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa still use child labor as it hasn't necessarily been outlawed in their countries. Some still use child labor even though it has been outlawed where they live.

Does Areopostale use child labor?

Yes... Abercrombie & Fitch does use child labor.

Why do countries and companies use child labor?

Cheap, dependable, easily replaced, few problems, easily intimidated...

Should Canada trade with countries that use child labor?

No. Especially Asian countries use children to make their products available at cheaper price by paying them small money.

Does Starbucks use child labor?

According to Starbucks' website and their Global Human Rights Statement, they follow child labor laws to the T and thus do not use child labor.

Were does child labor happen today?

Child labor happens mostly in poor and developing countries. 61% of child laborers live in Asia and 32% live in Africa and 7% live in Latin America. Here is a list of countries that use child labor: India, China, Nigeria, Korea, Ethiopia, Russia, Thailand, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, Angola, Argentina, Brazil, Uzbekistan, Columbia, Burma, Brazil, and in many, many more countries around the globe.

Does peacocks use child labor?

No. A peacock is a bird. A bird does no work. Therefore, they don't use child labor.

What companies do not use child labor?

US companies do not use child labor illegally. Family businesses use their children legally.

How many children are in labor?

It is impossible to tell. Most countries do not report child labor statistics.

Does Cuba use children for labor?

No, Cuba doesn't use child labor.

Is it illegal for companies in the US to use child labor overseas?

It depends on the country where they use child labor, and what kind of rules the country has about it. If the laws don't let you use child labor then the company is using children illegally.