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Q: What countries use robots in their auto industry?
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Where are the robots used in the auto industry designed?

Most of the robots used in the auto industry are first designed at technology schools such as MIT or Carnegie Mellon. Then the engineering department at the auto plants take a basic design and customize it to the use that is needed by the specific assembly plant.

Why do you think the mechanized industry was first?

The first industry to use simple machines (levers, wheels, wedges...) - farming The first industry to use complex machines- milling The first industry to use powered machines- textiles The first industry to use engines- mining The first industry to use robots - auto-manufacturing

Why robots are use in textile industry?

reduce the man work.increase the productivity

Where are robots being used?

China and Japan are the places where you find most of the robots being used, but in most automobilie factories there are robots in use. So they're not only in China and Japan. The more humanoid robots are primarily in China and Japan. Also there is robotics comititions where students build robots and battle them in multiple countries.

Where are robots found?

Robots are now used in almost every industry on the world, including manufacturing, medicine, research, retail, warehousing, defence, and art. Robotics are rapidly growing Nearly 2 million industrial robots were in use worldwide in 2017, an increase of nearly 280 percent since 1993. In most modern economies, the use of robots has more than doubled in the previous 20 years. China, Japan, and South Korea were the main consumers of industrial robots in 2017, accounting for roughly half of the global robot stock. In 2017, European countries were also big consumers of industrial robots, with Germany employing about 200,000 of them.

What is the conclusion for robotics?

ConclusionToday we find most robots working for people in industries, factories, warehouses, and laboratories. Robots are useful in many ways. For instance, it boosts economy because businesses need to be efficient to keep up with the industry competition. Therefore, having robots helps business owners to be competitive, because robots can do jobs better and faster than humans can, e.g. robot can built, assemble a car. Yet robots cannot perform every job; today robots roles include assisting research and industry. Finally, as the technology improves, there will be new ways to use robots which will bring new hopes and new potentials.

Why does Styx use Japanese in Mr.Roboto?

The story of "Kilroy Was Here" is about the takeover of industry. Robots running factories, and the label of "Made in China" "Made in Japan". Tommy said on an interview that one of the members of the band had seen a documentary about a factory in Japan that didn't need any lights because everything was run by robots. So the Roboto symbolized modern industrialization in way of Robots, and foreign influences on industry.

What industries use robots and how?

Car industries use robots, If that's what you mean. If not :)

What can't robots do that humans do?

Robots don't use bathrooms

What sensors do exploratory robots use?

Exploratory robots use motion, heat, and camera sensors.

How long ago were robots made?

The idea of robots has been around for 60 to 100 years. In the 1950's Life magazine had one on the front cover and industry began to use robots in production. An actual full scale working programmable robot is still in the works. Japan has been working on robots for a long time. As Robbie the Robot said " Take me to your leader."

Do robots use the bathroom?

No robots cant use the bathroom they simply have no Bladder so they cant ever have to go