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No country attacked Germany in World War 2 (which you seem to be confusing with the Holocaust). Germany was the aggressor.

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Q: What country attacked the Germans during the Holocaust?
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Why was the word boycott important to the Holocaust?

Because that is what the Germans did to the Jews during the holocaust.

How many blacks were there during the Holocaust?

It is estimated that 25,000 to 50,000 African Germans died during the holocaust.

Who were being attacked during the Holocaust?

Jewish people

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Who was the Nazi's president during the Holocaust?

The Germans did not have Presidents as we have. Adolf Hitler, the dictator was fuhrer (leader) and reichsKanzler- Chancellor of the Reich during the Holocaust period.

Are all Germans bad during the Holocaust?

Not all, mostly just the soldiers and the Germans who believed the lie that Jews were evil

How did Germans cover the Holocaust during Olympics?

There were no Olympic Games held at the time of the Holocaust. What you are probably thinking of is the Berlin Olympics, five years before the Holocaust.

What did the Germans make the Jews do during the holocaust?

They made them die violent deaths by the millions.

Who was the first attacked by the Germans in World War 2?

AnswerPoland attacked the Nazis first during World War 2.

What country was first to be invaded by Germany during the Holocaust?

The Holocaust was not a military action