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Q: What country brought apples to America?
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What did Mexican immigrants bring to America?

they have brought apples, oranges, and even carrots.they have also brought tacos enchiladas and quesedillas

What food plants Were brought to the New World by colonists?

The plants that are brought to America by the Europeans are apples, grapes and peaches. The English brought experimental boat right after the pilgrims that have honey bees in it.

What country first brought cows to America?

Spain and Mexico.

Punctuate he brought the following fruits apples peaches and pear?

He brought the following fruits; apples, peaches and a pear.

Which century were apples first brought to North America?

sorry we have not found out yet please ask again at thank you for your time

What country of South America is known for growing grapes?

in Peru and in Chile they grow grapes and apples for export.

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If 3 apples cost 48 cents how MANY dozen apples can be brought for 3.84?


Can you take dried apples from Washington to Germany?

I brought dried apples from Germany to the US. With no problems.

What Christmas plant was brought to America in 1928 by an American ambassador to a foreign country?

poinsettia - from Mexico

Why were slaves brought from America to Africa?

Why of course to make a living off the backs of the slaves. They brought slaves to America to work their fields and land pretty much they built this country off the backs of the slaves.

Where do tesco get their apples?

From A Country