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It wasn't any one country. The whole allied side and others bordering the offending countries (the axis) got to have a say in the punishements.

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Q: What country decided what would happen to Germany after World war II?
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Who decided what news would be announced in World War 2?

Neville Chamberlain decided to tell the world that the world was going to world with Germany.

Did the US forced all countries to disarm after world war 1?

No. There has never been a country in the modern world with the authority to give such an order to the rest of the world. Only Germany had its military limited because it was believed to be the agressor, the country which began the war, and that was decided by every country involved.

Is Germany a developed country?

Yes, Germany would be considered to be part of the developed world.

Why was germany a source of tension in the cold war?

After World War II, Germany was divided into four occupation zones. Those zones were still one country, but had different countries, in simple terms, de-Nazi-fying them. Well, that was what was supposed to happen and then all the Allied Forces would pull out. But the Soviet Union decided to keep its communistic hands on its occupation zone, East Germany.

Was Germany the first country in the world?

NoEthiopia was the first country in the world.

World War 2 the conference that decided fate of Germany?

The Potsdam Conference.

Is Germany a wealthy country?

Yes! Germany is the fourth wealthiest country in the world and first in Europe.

What country helped Germany in world war 11?

Italy.Germany is a First World country.

Is Germany a first emerging third world country?

Germany is a first world country, as decided by the United Nations with the Human Development Index or HDI. The HDI of a country is determined by life expectancy, literacy, education, and standards of living. Germany is currently rated 22nd in the world. The best litmus test is in determining infrastructure, health statistics and political stability. If a country has the internet, a GDP of >10 Billion dollars and the same government in place for more than fifty years - chances are it is a first-world country. If the country has significant limitations on the freedom of its citizens, has a military government and is mostly black or Muslim - it is most likely a third-world country, though not necessarily because these are not direct factors.

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Is Germany a world city?

Country in Europe.

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