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Q: What country did Germany invade on September 1st?
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What makes to begin World War 2?

You basically have to invade a country and then have another country declare war on you...If you were talking about the WWII, Germany began it. On September 1st,1939, Germany invaded Poland. Two days later, Great Britain and France declared war on Germany which began WWII.

Which country did Hitler invade after Czechoslovakia?

Denmark and Norway.or Norway and denmark

When did Germans invade Poland?

September 1st 1939.

What country did the nazi invade to start the World War 2?

Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary.. I'm fairly sure

When did the germans invade poland?

September 1st 1939.

When did Japan and Germany invade Poland?

Germany invaded poland on september 1st 1939, and started WORLD WAR II. World War I started when Serbia denied to allow Austrian police to enter their country and "conduct an investigation to find out who killed their prince".

Which country attacked Poland at the beginning of world war 2?

Both Germany and the USSR invaded Poland in September of 1939, dividing it between themselves after Polish resistance collapsed in a little under a month.

Did poland started World War 2?

No. Germany did by invading Poland on the 1st september 1939. 

Which countries started World War 2 and who did they invade?

World War Two is generally believed to have begun on 1st September 1939, with the invasion of Poland by Germany and subsequent declarations of war on Germany by France and most of the countries of the British Empire and Commonwealth.

What country was invaded by Nazi Germany to start the war in Europe?

Germany invaded Poland and Russia wanted to share.

WHEN DID Hitler invade Polnd?

1st September 1939 / invasion ended on 6th of October 1939

Why World War 2 started?

World War 2 started on september 1st 1939 when Britain and France declared war on germany. France and Britain declared war on germany because hitler sent 1 million troops to invade poland along with another 500,000 in support during the invasion. Germany invaded poland because Germany wanted to reclaim it's land what they lost because of the Treaty of Versailled which was signed when germany lost world war 1 the the Allied Forces.