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The Islands were bought from Denmark in 1917. They had been a profitable colony until the mid 19th century, but became a liability after the abolition of slavery and changing sailing routes in the region. Denmark was thus eager to sell and during WWI USA finally wanted to buy to eliminate the risk of Germany taken them over and using them as a submarine base. The price was $ 25 million, and the deal had to pass a public vote in Denmark. Since there was in fact a larger element of British (and Anglified Dutch) than Danish settlers, there was only few cultural ties between Denmark and the Islands, which made it easier to get a majority for the law.

It may be interesting to note that even though Denmark was late in freeing the slaves (decided in 1847 to take effect after 12 years, but implemented in 1848 due to a slave rebellion in the West Indies/Virgin Isl.), she was actually the first colonial power to ban the Slave trade from Africa. A law was passed in 1792 to have effect in 1802, i.e. before the famous Wilberforce had success with a similar law for the British Empire.

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Purchase completed 31st. March 1917

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Q: What country did the U.S. buy the Virgin Islands from?
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What country did the us buy from Denmark?

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Are the Virgin Islands a third world country?

No the Virgin islands are not countries. They are territories. There are two Virgin Islands. The first if the British Virgin Islands - Which is a territory of the United Kingdom and then there is the US Virgin Islands which are a territory of the United States. No.. a territory of the United States

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From what countru does US buy Virgin Islands?

Purchased from the Danish in 1917.

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The United States Virgin Islands are an organized and unincorporated territory of the United States. They are not an independent country.

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The US bougth the US VIirgin islands with 25 million dollars worth of gold

Are the british virgin islands the same as us virgin islands?

No. The British Virgin Islands is an independent country (although it is an Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom). The U.S. Virgin Islands are a U.S. Territory. However, geographically, they do largely form one continuous archipeligo.

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Persons born in the Virgin Islands are U.S. citizens.

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Well first of all reverse that question why doesn't the British Virgin Islands bind with the U..S. Virgin Islands? I would say that British Virgin Islanders are part of the British Government. While the citizens are of the US Virgin Islands are citizens United States. This issue was actually discussed by the British and US Governments during the 1950s, but there was a great deal of resistance to the idea locally, particularly in the British Virgin Islands.

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Christopher Columbus discovered the Virgin Islands for Europeans in 1493.

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The official language of the US Virgin Islands is English.