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I believe it was Italy

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Q: What country did the martini drink come from?
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What is an alcoholic drink that ends with l?

An alcoholic drink that ends with the letter I is martini. Martini is a cocktail drink composed of gin and vermouth. It is garnished with a lemon twist or an olive.

What did James Bond drink?

Vodka Martini (shaken, not stirred) and in recent films, the Vespa Martini

What is a drink that starts with an M?

Martini, Magarita

What food or drink rhymes with resist?

Resist: Vampire Kiss- martini Twist (Lime Twist- martini)

What champagne did James Bond drink?

Vodka Martini (shaken, not stirred) and in recent films, the Vespa Martini

What is the name of a drink that starts with m?

Martini milk Margarita Mai Tai

What is the type drink that is shaken or stirred?

A vodka martini

What is Damon Olson favorite drink?

Virgin Martini.

What is Brian griffin's drink of choice?

Brian Griffin's drink of choice is usually a martini.

What is the martini mixing game called were you are a jeevze and mix a martini then drink it and you get a respons how good it taste?

it is called "The right mix"

What is a double martini?

Basically, a double martini is two martini cocktails served in one glass. To mix one, you use twice as much gin and twice as much vermouth, then strain it into a larger martini glass. They are not recommended, as the drink will be warm before you've finished it (unless you're drinking way too fast). It is generally better to order a martini, drink it and order another than to order a double martini.

Name a drink that begins with the letter M?

Martini, Margarita.