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Mushrooms have been around far longer than countries have.

You can be pretty sure that every country on Earth has mushrooms and had them before it was ever a country.

Mushrooms are just the part of fungi that we see above ground. Fungi are one of the oldest forms of life on the planet and were here hundreds of millions of years before people.

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Q: What country do mushrooms come from?
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Were do shrooms come from?

Mushrooms are grown in almost every country. There is no data on the exact country of origin and the fungus can be found in all but the coldest climates. If you are wondering about one specific type of mushroom, you need to ask that in the question so we can answer it.

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Mushrooms coming out of your pores? Absolutely not !

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Mushrooms are certainly cultivated in Germany and most other countries also.

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You probably need a few hours before the mushrooms will appear again.

Where does hallucinogens come from?

Ecspecially mushrooms Hallucinogens is found in fungi.

Where do mushrooms come from?

Mushrooms are the fruiting bodies of a fungus. The actual fungus is growing beneath where the mushroom sits.

When do the mushrooms come out in Animal Crossing?

November, there is actually an official mushroom hunt during November where everyday you can find a piece of mush furniture! Mushrooms appear next to trees, the 3 main types are round mushrooms, flat mushrooms and tall mushrooms (and of course mush furniture)!