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Q: What country has sun always in the south sky?
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In which country do people always see the sun in the south sky?

south africa

Is the sun always highest in the sky at noon?

Yes the sun is always highest in the sky at noon

Where is the sun position at 12pm in the sky?

i think its in the south

Does the Sun move in the sky from north to south each day?

The Sun does move from North to South in the sky (or the other way) just a little bit each day. This is caused by the tilt of the Earth's axis combined with the Earth's orbital motion around the Sun each day. So, in the winter the Sun is lower in the sky than in the summer. In the Northern Hemisphere that means the Sun is further South in the sky.

At noon where is the sun in the sky?

At its highest point in the sky, and due South in the Northern Hemisphere.

Why is the sky always bright in the summer in the South Pole?

Because the sun doesn't set between September 22 and March 21. It just goes around and around the sky every day.

Is the sun always up?

It is always in the sky but when it is dark on one side of the earth, the sun is up on the other side. So yes, the sun is always up.

Why is the sun not always in the sky?

The sun and moon are always in the sky, but for half of the time, the earth turns you away from the part of the sky where they are, so that you can't see them. During those times, people on the other side of the earth can see them.

When are the stars in the sky?

Stars are always in the sky! You just cant see them as well when the sun is shinning.

How often does sun move in sky?

The sun is always moving in the sky, it never stops. This is the result of the rotation of the Earth, which also never stops.

Why the Sun sometimes is in the sky and not at other time?

The sun is always in the sky. But, as the earth rotates, some of the time (at night) your part of the earth is facing away from the so you think it is not in the sky.

You just read a book which refers to the sunless sky and the high sun sky referring to North and South Which would be which?

From March 21 to September 21, the sun never sets at the north pole and never rises at the south pole.The south pole is sunless and the north pole sees the sun in the sky, though it is by no means "high".From September 21 to March 21, the sun never rises at the north pole and never sets at the south pole.The north pole is sunless and the south pole sees the sun in the sky, though it is by no means "high".