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Q: What country has the highest CO2 emissions in 2025?
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Which country has the highest CO2 emissions per capita?


Which sector has the highest CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustions?

Coal has more carbon dioxide emissions than either oil or natural gas.

On the global level how do CO2 emission levels differ from country to country?

They differ from country to country in many ways. Depends really on what you are actually looking for. See links below to get more info on global CO2 emissions.

What is the carbon footprints?

This is the total emissions of carbon (from CO2 and CH4), expressed in tons, for a country in one year.

What is the national carbon footprint?

This is the total emissions of carbon (from CO2 and CH4), expressed in tons, for a country in one year.

What can Britain do as a country to reduce CO2 emissions?

Reduce its need for fosil fuels to generate its energy and power its tranportation system.

What are human emissions?

CO2 and methane from our bodies.

What is the average carbon footprint per household per year in the us?

The UK produces about two per cent of the world's CO2 emissions. Only two per cent of the UK's CO2 emissions derive from private motorised transport.

It is believed that excessive CO2 emissions will cause?

CO2 is carbon dioxide, and excessive CO2 is believed to cause Global Warming.

How do manufacturers reduce co2 emissions?

Power plants can purchase scrubbers to remove some CO2.

How much CO2 does Australia emit?

1% of the worldds emissions

Is there a strong connection between CO2 emissions and global climate change?

There is a strong connection between CO2 emissions and global climate change. Read the NASA website link below.