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The United Kingdom, Spain, Andorra, Monaco, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.

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Q: What country in Europe is a constitional monarchy?
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Is there a monarchy from eastern europe-?

The closest to a monarchy from eastern Europe is Liechenstein. It is on the border of eastern and western Europe. Prince Alois has been ruler of the country since 1989.

What is unique about Vatican City?

The Vatican is the smallest independent country in the world and the only absolute monarchy in Europe.

Which country does not have a constitutional monarchy as pt of its government?

A monarchy means that there is a king or queen as part of the government. Therfore, the United States, the Philippines, Mexico, all of South America, Israel, and about half of Europe does not have a monarch.

Why Europe have kings?

Monarchy was a major form in government in olden Europe. Monarchy could still be a considered a major form in government in Europe, though most are constitutional monarchies.

What was positive or negative about the 17th and 18th century for Europe Was it more positive or negative?

Absolute monarchy is when a country is ruled by one person. There are pros and cons when is comes toabsolute monarchy. I think that absolute monarchy was positive for Europe during the 17thand 18thcentury.I think that absolute monarchy was positive because it was easy to understand. It was easy to understandbecause it was ruled only by one person. Creating laws were quicker and simpler. It was also a lot stricterwith absolute monarchy with more rules.

What happen to the absolute monarchs in Europe?

All the absolute monarchies in Europe have dissolved into some form of a democracy. Most of them transformed into Constitutional Monarchies, in which there is still a monarch that rules but they are accompanied by a parliament. There is one country in Europe that can still be considered a monarchy: the Vatican. The Pope is the ruler and thus labels the Vatican as an absolute monarchy, although the "monarch" is elected.

How did England lay the foundations for the constitutional monarchy in the 17th century?

England lay the foundations for the constitional monarchy in the 17th Century by invading the surrounding countries, to begin the initial British Empire

What type of government system does southern Europe have?

Southern Europe is almost fully composed of democracies (most of which are republics along with two constitutional monarchies). However, there is one country in Europe that is considered a theocracy or absolute monarchy: Vatican City.

What was the government for western Europe 1000-1400?


What is monarchy mean?

monarchy is a kind of the government in which the king or queen rule the country

What form of government is monarchy?

A monarchy is a government in which the king has the power to rule the country.