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The Suez Canal passes through Egypt, so Egypt is on its west and east sides.

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Q: What country is just to the west of the Suez canal?
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Can you walk from asia to africa?

Yes, you can. The Suez Canal Bridge, which connects Asian Egypt (Egypt on the east bank of the Suez Canal) and African Egypt (Egypt on the west bank of the Suez Canal).

Which body of water seperates the Sinai pesninsula from the rest of Egypt?

The Suez Canal separates the Sinai peninsula from the rest of Egypt.

How Africa is a continuation of Asia?

Joined at the man-made Suez Canal---Africa to the west, Asia to the east.

How much distance is reduced between India and Europe after opening the Suez canal?

The geographical position of the Suez Canal makes it the shortest route between East and West as compared with the Cape of Good Hope. The Canal route achieves saving in distance between the ports north and south of the Canal.

What did Egypt do in 1956 that angered much of the west?

Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal against British and French interests.

Waterway in and out of the Mediterranean?

The waterways in and out of the Mediterranean are the Straits of Gibraltar in the west. In the south-east the Nile River enters, and the Suez Canal gives passage to the Red Sea. In the east the Bosphorus is the passage to the Black Sea.

What was the West's reaction to Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalizing the Suez Canal and foreign and private holdings in Egypt?

The West saw these actions as antagonistic to their interests in the region and a direct threat on their business and legal systems. The British and French actively coordinated with the Israelis in order to compel Egypt to restore property and the Suez Canal to their prior owners.

Is the suez canal longer than the Panama Canal?

In one respect, the Atlantic opening is farther west than the Pacific opening. While transferring through the Panama Canal, one rises in elevation somewhat higher before returning to sea level, than one does through the Suez Canal. Another significant difference is the length. The Suez Canal is around 190km in length, whilst the Panama Canal is about 80 km long.

When was West of Suez created?

West of Suez was created in 1957.

Why did Britain make Egypt a protectorate?

They took control of Egypt because of the Suez Canal ( Connection of Africa to west India)

What is absolute location of the Suez canal?

Below the Mediterranean Sea, above the Red Sea.

Do most people who live in eypgt live along or near the nile river and Suez Canal?

Yes, the Nile river is the major water source... necessary for survival and the Suez Canal is used for trading and transporting which creates jobs. the west side of Egypt is rural with not very many people because there is no water source or job industry.