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They took control of Egypt because of the Suez Canal ( Connection of Africa to west India)

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Back in 1882, Britain wanted Egypt because the recently built Suez Canal would allow easy access to British colonies in India, Burma, and along the eastern coast of Africa.

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Q: Why did Britain make Egypt a protectorate?
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How did the takeover of the Suez canal in 1882 shape the future for north Africa?

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Yes, but indirectly. Sudan was part of the Khedivite Sultanate in Egypt which Britain ruled via a protectorate as opposed to a colony.

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Egypt (it was actually a protectorate, but it was the northernmost British African Colony)

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In 1875, Egypt found itself in debt. As a result it chose to sell its shares of the Suez Canal to Great Britain. The Suez Canal is strategic for trade and defense purposes.

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Britain took control of Egypt in 1882 but then relinquished most control in 1992 by issuing Unilateral Declaration of Egyptian Independence. Britain still retained some control over its former protectorate, and Egypt officially declared its independence during the Egyptian Revolution of 1952.

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