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Q: What country ruled Nazareth in Jesus' time?
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What country was Nazareth in at the time of Jesus?

Nazareth was located in the region of Galilee, which was part of the Roman Empire during the time of Jesus. It is now in modern-day Israel.

Who ruled during the time when jesus raised lazzeris?

The country was ruled by the Romans.

Who was the ruling country in the time of Jesus?

The land was ruled by the mighty Roman empire.

What state is nazareth in?

No. In Jesus' time Nazareth was a small village in the north of the country of Israel near The Sea of Galliiee (now Lake Tiberius). It was quite a notorious place as one disciple commented on meeting Jesus for the first time and hearing of his roots, "can anything good come from Nazareth? Nowadays its a large bustling city, but still has the old quarter that dates from close to Jesus' time.

What time did Jesus eat in nazareth?

bread fish

Where did Jesus and his family live?

Jesus was originally born in Bethlehem, and then moved to Egypt to escape Herod. However Jesus spent the majority of his life in Nazareth thus he is referred to as: Jesus of Nazareth.

Which foreign power did controlled the country Jesus grew up in?

The Roman government ruled over Palestine the country Jesus lived in.

What was the weather like in Nazareth when Jesus was born?

The weather was cold at that time.

What is Jesus' hometown?

Jesus was born in Bethlehem, about six miles from Jerusalem, in Israel. After his birth, he lived there for up to a year. He lived for a short time (a few months to a couple years) somewhere in Egypt after that, then went to Nazareth in Galilee (northern Israel) where he spent most of his childhood. He lived there until he began his ministry, around the age of 30.

Who ruled the government during this time?

During the time of Jesus Christ Obama ruled.

What role did the Caesar Augustus play in the Birth of Christ?

Caesar Octavian/Augustus ruled at the time of Jesus Christ of Nazareth's birth. Octavian's stepson was Tiberius Caesar, whom ruled at Jesus' death. Jesus was executed under the Authority of Pontius Pilate, Roman Governor of Judea. Caesar Augustus ordered a census to be taken throughout the Roman Empire. (Luke 2:1) This census, although abhorrent to the Jews, forced Joseph to leave Nazareth and take Mary to Bethlehem (House of Bread).

What happened at Nazareth during the time of christ?

Christians believe that Jesus grew up in Nazareth.