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Q: What country sent the first monkey into space?
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What country did the first mammal in space?

The USA sent the first mammal into space, it was a monkey.

Was a monkey first to visit space?

No. Russia sent a dog named Laika into space first.

Which country sent up the first animal in the space?

The USSR sent the first animals into space.

What was the first animal sent into space and what country sent it?

Laika a dog was the first animal in space it was sent by the soviet union

Which creatures were the first to be conceived in space?

I believe the monkey was the first animal to go to space, even before humans. People wanted to test if it was safe so they sent a monkey out.

What kind of animal named ham US first sent to space?

A chimpanzee (monkey)

In what year did the first animal go into space?

They sent a monkey into space named Albert on June 11, 1948

Can a monkey go into outer space?

Yes, it can. I sent my pet monkey to NASA and they didn't send it back, so I assumed they sent it to space. :]

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Which country sent the first human in space?


What is the first thing to go to space?

Well acording to space the first thing to go to the moon/space was a monkey :D To do a test, the test was that if the monkey would come back down or not!! You would not like to go to space and never come back so they sent a monkey up to test