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All of Spain's New World colonies were involved to some degree.

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Q: What country was a scene of battle during the Spanish-American War?
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What country was not a battle scene during the Spanish-American War?

Neither Spain or the US became battle grounds.

Was Spain a country that was a scene of battle during the Spanish-American War?

No, the Spanish American War was fought in the Caribbean and the Pacific.

What are the scene of battle during the Spanish American War?

Manila Bay, San Juan Hill, the Naval Battle of Santiago.

What countries were not the scene of battle during the Spanish-American War?

Spain and the US were not battlefields.

Which country is Cape Trafalgar in the scene of the famous 1805 battle?

Off the coast and southwest of Spain.

Which countries was a scene of battle during the Spanish American War?

The Philippines was, Cuba was and Puerto Rico was.

Was Cuba a scene of battle during the Spanish American War?

Yes, both at land and at sea.

Which countries was not a scene of battle during the Spanish-American War?

The US wasn't. Spain wasm't.

Which country was not a scene of battle in the Spanish American War?

Spain and the US fought the War, but not on their home turf.

Which country was not a scene of battle during spanish-american war?

The Spanish American war took place in 1898. The countries of Spain and America participated heavily. The Philippines also became involved. However, Cuba was the only country on the sidelines as an observer.

What revolutionary war words start with the letter y?

Yorktown, Virginia was the scene of a battle during the war.

What countries was not a scene of battle during the Spanish American war Cuba Puerto Rico Spain The Philippines?
