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Q: What country was ruled west of the line of demarcation?
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What country ruled west of the line of demarcation?


Which country Ruled west of the line of demarcation?

France possessed most of the current US west of the line of demarcation. Much of it would be obtained in the 1803 Louisiana Purchase.

What ruled west of the line of demarcation?


Ruled west of the line of demarcation..?


Ruled west of the line of demarcation?


Where was the line of demarcation moved?


What do the line of demarcation do?

The line of demarcation denoted the divide between the lands of Portugal and the lands of Spain. All lands to the east of the line of demarcation belonged to Portugal and all lands to the west of the line belonged to Spain.

Was what is now the US east or west of the line of demarcation?


What is the line of demeraction?

the line of demarcation is aboundary of the British and the Spanish authorities west Florida.

Who moved the Line of Demarcation 800 miles west?

cristopher coulmbus

What moved the Line of Demarcation a little further west in 1494?

The Treaty of Tordesillas

How did the line of demarcation become important?

The line of demarcation denoted the divide between the lands of Portugal and the lands of Spain. All lands to the east of the line of demarcation belonged to Portugal and all lands to the west of the line belonged to Spain.