

What court did Sandra day o'connor serve on?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What court did Sandra day o'connor serve on?
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What is Sandra Day O'Connors last name?

oconnor as you can seee

What were obstacles Sandra day oconnor faced?

Sandra Day OÕConner was the first woman to be appointed to the United States Supreme Court. She was appointed in 1981. She has overcome career struggles and criticism to be the first female Justice.

In which branch of government did Sandra Day O'Connor serve?

She is a judge of the Supreme court

Who was the first woman to serve on the supreme court?

Sandra day o'connor was the name of the first woman to sit in supreme court:P

What high school did Sandra day oconnor graduate from?

Sandra Day O'Connor graduated from the Radford School for Girls in Tucson, Arizona.

Who are Sandra day oconnor's family members?

Harry and Ada Mae Day

Did Sandra Day O'Connor serve in the Army?

No, Sandra Day O'Connor did not serve in the Army.

Did Sandra Day O'Connor do any volunteering?

Yes Sandra day Oconnor has done plenty of volunteer work. Her current work at icivics is where she teaches people about the judicial system.

Who became the first female member of the US Supreme Court in 1981?

Sandra Day O'ConnorRonald Reagan appointed the first woman to serve as a justice of the US Supreme Court, Sandra Day O'Connor. She was sworn in on September 25, 1981, and retired in 2006.

What is Sandra Day O'Connor famous for?

Justice Sandra Day O'Connor was the first woman to serve on the US Supreme Court. President Reagan nominated her in 1981; she retired in 2006.

Who was the first woman to serve the Supreme court?

The president that was first to appoint a woman to the supreme court was JFK.