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The only court the Constitution refers to is the United States Supreme Court.

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Q: What court does the Constitution refer to?
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When the US Supreme Court decides if a law is constitutional does it refer to the US Constitution or the Articles of Confederation?

The US Constitution. The Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation in the late 18th century.

What court cases caused the Supreme Court to decide to amend the constitution?

The Supreme Court does not have the power to amend the Constitution. Only the process of constitutional amendment outlined in Article V of the Constitution can be used to amend the Constitution. The Court's role is to interpret the Constitution and its amendments, not to amend them.

What court can interpret the Constitution?

Any court can interpret the constitution, but the US Supreme Court is the final arbiter on constitutionality.

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The "Bayonet Constitution".

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Supreme court of India

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supreme court

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When people seek to change the constitution, they refer to it as amending the constitution

What is the supreme court of law of the unites states?

The Constitution

What courts are created by the US Constitution and by the US Congress?

The only court specifically provided for in the US Constitution is the Supreme Court. Article 3 establishes the Supreme Court ". . .and such inferioe courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish." Further, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 9 authorizes Congress to constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court. The federal court system has several individual courts, but only the Supreme Court is mentioned in the Constitution

Questions about interpreting the constitution are finally settled by what court?

The Supreme Court settles questions about interpretation of the US Constitution.

What is the only court specifically mentioned is the constitution?

supreme court

What did the Supreme Court's decision in the case of marbury v. Madison for the Supreme Court?

It gave the Supreme Court powers not granted by the Constitution