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The levator palpebrae muscle is primarily responsible for opening the eyelids, it is innervated by cranial nerve 3 (occulomotor nerve).

Raising the eyebrows, which will also open the eyes wider and may be what you are asking about, is done by occipitofrontalis. This muscle is innervated by cranial nerve 7 (facial nerve).

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13y ago

There are three cranial nerves that control the extrinsic eye muscles: oculomotor, trochlear and abducens. The oculomotor controls 4 of the 6 extrinsic eye muscles. Which one you use would depend on exactly how you rolled your eyes.

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12y ago

III - Oculomotor (4 out of 6 eye muscles)

IV - Trochlear (eye muscle for looking down)

VI - Abducens (lateral eye muscle for looking sideways

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Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe it's 3rd intercranial nerve that deals with occular systems

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Oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens

the cranial nerves associated with controlling eye movements are?


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The oculomotor nerve (CN III)

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The oculomotor nerve, C.N. III

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Cranial nerves 3, 4, and 6.

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III and IV

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Q: What cranial nerve that is involved in rolling the eyes?
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What cranial nerve control the eyes or visual functioning?

Optic nerve

What nerves carry signals to and from the eyes and ears?

The oculomotor nerve or the third cranial nerve, trochlear or forth cranial nerve and abducent or the sixth cranial nerve carry signal to your eye. The optic nerve carry the signal from the eye to the brain. Vestibulocochlear or the eighth cranial nerve carry the signal from your ear to the brain.

What foramen does the trochlear nerve go through?

The trochlear nerve is also known as cranial nerve IV (CN-IV). It is the only cranial nerve that emerges dorsally from the brain, which also makes it the longest pathway. It is the smallest nerve to service the eye. CN-IV passes through superior orbital fissure, and it provides for only a motor function. It serves the superior oblique eye muscle and connects to the annular tendon. As a result, it processes brain signals to move eyes up and down and outwards. Whether due to a head injury or a complication of surgery, damage to this nerve will compromise some ability to use the superior oblique eye muscle. Without the use of the nerve, the superior oblique eye muscle will not no longer function properly. The muscle, not the trochlear nerve, physically moves the eyeball. Double vision, otherwise known as diplopia, results from problems with muscle or the nerve. Complications from these issues will result in a diminished ability to walk, especially down stairs.

Can we see nerve cell with our naked eyes?

no they are not

The brain linked to the eyes by?

Optic nerve

Related questions

Which cranial nerve is used in reading the paper?

The main nerve required would be the optic nerve (II), although you would also use the ocular motor nerve (III) to move the eyes. Other cranial nerves involved are: Trochlear nerve (IV) and Abducens nerve (VI).

What cranial nerve control the eyes or visual functioning?

Optic nerve

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Which cranial nerve will help you blink your eyes?

The third cranial nerve, the oculomotor is responsible for blinking and most other eyelid movement.

What nerves carry signals to and from the eyes and ears?

The oculomotor nerve or the third cranial nerve, trochlear or forth cranial nerve and abducent or the sixth cranial nerve carry signal to your eye. The optic nerve carry the signal from the eye to the brain. Vestibulocochlear or the eighth cranial nerve carry the signal from your ear to the brain.

What is the function of cranial nerves?

cranial nerve I: olfactory:smell cranial nerve II:optic:vision cranial nerve III: oculomotor: 4 of 6 eye muscles cranial nerve IV: trochlear: cranial nerve V: Trigeminal cranial nerve VI: Abducens cranial nerve VII: Facial cranial nerve VIII: Vestibulochlear: hearing cranial nerve IX: Grosspharnxgeal: saliva formation cranial nerve X: Vegus cranial nerve XI: Acessory Spinal: trapizious movement cranial nerve XII: Hypoglosseal: toungue movement

What nerve causes the motion of the eye so that the motion of one eye moves the other?

The nerve that supply the motor function of the eyeballs are the occulomotor nerve (cranial nerve III), trochlear nerve (cranial nerve IV) and the abducen nerve (cranial nerve VI). All the muscle that move the eyeballs supplied by the occulomotor nerve except the lateral rectus of the eyes which is supplied by the abducen nerve and the superior oblique muscle of the eyes which is supplied by the trochlear nerve.

How many nerves are in your eyes?

Each eye has one nerve for vision, the optic nerve, Cranial Nerve II. Nerves are actually bundles of many nerve fibers. There are nerves that supply impulses for the muscles associated with the eyeballs so they can move are the Cranial Nerve III, Oculomotor, Cranial Nerve IV, Trochlear, and Cranial Nerve VI, the Abducens nerve.

What three Cranial nerve is involved in rolling the eyes?

Eye movement is controlled by cranial nerves III, IV, and VI (Oculomotor, Trohlear, and Abducens, respectively). CN III innervates most of the muscles of the eye and is responsible for most eye movements.

How many optic nerves are there in eyes?

There is one optic nerve in the eye. It is also known as cranial nerve II.

What is six nerve palsy of the eyes?

the 6th cranial supply the lateral rectus muscle of the eye. It allow the eyeball to turn out. if you have the nerve palsy of this nerve, your eyeball cannot be turned out.

What type of nerve is optic nerve?

Are at the back of the eye, they connect the eyes to the brain. They also cross to the opposite side so the information collected by the right eye is processed by the left hemisphere and vice versa