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Q: What creatures have adapted themselves to live in an oak woodland?
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How woodland habitat adapted?

animals live every wher in the earth. so, woodland also live in wood.

How is a red fox adapted to live in woodland?

how do a red fox adapt to live in a woodland. A Red fox has a ruddy brown coat that makes it difficult to see near its den because it is similar in colour to the earth in winter, spring, Autumn and summer. Its claws are well adapted for digging.

Do chipmunks live in the tundra?

some do they also live in trees or they can dig their selves borrows and sleep down there and come out in the day!

How primroses are adapted to live in a woodland?

because they are! they like it! btw pigs can fly! lol I Jst found that out like yesterday!

Where did the woodland natives live?

They live in Woodland Cree.

Where do Canadian woodland caribous live?

Canadian woodland caribous live in the woodland of Canada.

Why is a fish not a bird?

When evolution occurred, there might have been creatures who were a combination of birds and fish. Over time, some of these went to live in water, while others went to live in the sky. So, the water creatures adapted and became fish, and the sky creatures adapted and became birds. This is a common theory about the relevance of birds to fish, it's not my theory!

Where did the Canadian Woodland Natives live?

They live in Woodland Cree.

Where do woodland caribou live?

Woodland caribou live in the arctic forests.

What did woodland Indians live in?

Woodland Indians lived in wigwams and longhouses

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