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After the homily, before the prayer of the faithful, we pray the Nicene Creed, to include the "filio que" -- changed by Rome after the council original" I believe in the Holy Spirit who proceeds from the Father, and with the Father and Son is worshiped and glorified. Rome: I believe in the Holy Spirit who proceeds from the Father and the Son, and with the Father and Son is worshipped an glorified.

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Q: What creed do you pray at Mass?
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Is the nicene creed to old fashioned?

No way! We pray it during every mass, and it's a great expression of our beliefs. (I personally like it better that the Apostle's Creed)

Do you pray the Apostles' Creed in the Rosary?

The Apostles' Creed is prayed in the Rosary. It is the first prayer in the Rosary.

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Apostles Creed

What prayer do we pray on the crucifix of the rosary?

The Apostle's Creed

Can you pray the Apostle's Creed if you are not Catholic?

Of course you may. Many protestant sects recite the Apostle's Creed.

What happens when you pray the Apostles Creed?

What happens when you pray the Apostles' Creed is entirely up to you, it is not something magical that does something just because you pray it. If you pray it with right intentions and attention, then you are stating your belief in a whole summary of the Apostolic faith handed down to the Catholic Church from the Apostles.

Why do the Catholics say a Creed during mass?

The creed is the statement of the Catholic and Christian faith. The recitation of the creed at Mass is called the profession of faith. During the creed we profess our belief in the central doctrines of Christianity.

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Assassins Creed II

What part of the mass is the Apostles creed prayed?

Although the Apostles' Creed can be used in a Catholic Mass, generally speaking most parishes use the Nicene Creed. Whichever Creed is used it comes towards the end of the Liturgy of the Word, after the homily.

What creed do you use during Lent?

The same Creed that you use year round. Thus it would be the Nicene Creed at Mass, and the Apostles Creed when you are praying the rosary.

Which prayer do we say at a Catholic mass that proclaims the faith of our church?

The Prayer recited at Mass that is a summary of our beliefs is the Nicene Creed:

What creed do is said in the rosary?

The Rosary begins with the the sign of the Cross, The Aposle's Creed is prayed, holding the crucifix. for more information on how to pray the Rosary see Link