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Statutes of Limitations are laws relating to the permitted or required timing in particular situations. They cover a range of matters including such things as crime, operation of the criminal courts, and for the regulating and ordering of business activities.

Various Statutes Of Limitations relate to such matters as:

(i) how long a person has to 'sit on the edge' waiting for the state to charge them with a crime. Criminal Statute of Limitations are set by individual states and in some cases Federal Laws. A listing of the crimes that have one would also have to be broken down by every state. Many states have determined that some crimes e.g. felonies such as murder or rape, don't have a statute of limitations.

(ii) the time after which certain old debts cannot be collected,

(iii) how long certain documents must be retained, such as business records and written copies of contracts.

Example re outstanding debt:

In Georgia (USA), on January 24, 2008, the Court of Appeals decided in a case that, in Georgia, the statute of limitations on a credit card debt is six years after the amount becomes due and payable. i.e. the credit card company cannot start chasing the debt if they have not been chasing it for the entire six years after the date that the debt was first due to be settled.

Simlarly, in the UK, the Limitation Act 1980 specifies

  • the details on how long a creditor has to take action against another for a debt i.e. take them to court.(6 years)
  • How long Insurance certificates/records should be kept ( Employers Liability Insurance 40 years, Public Liability Insurance 21 years)

In the matters of debt and retention of documents, the consequences for ignoring such statutes range from being barred at law from chasing otherwise legitimate debts, to the fines and resulting bad publicity which will undoubtedly draw attention to the company's irresponsible attitudes towards proper record-keeping and the law.

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That will depend on what jurisdiction the charges are being brought in. Many do not have a limit for serious crimes such as murder or rape. Other states have none for any felony.

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Federal statutes cover most violations of federal law. Federal crimes can include mail fraud or a crime that crosses state lines, such as buying and selling weapons illegally. The list is almost endless and they all have their own federal statute of limitations. Keep in mind that there are several crimes that are not covered by federal statutes of limitation. Major crimes such as murder do not have statutes of limitations.

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Statutes of limitations are still in place in most jurisdictions. However, there are certain crimes that do not have any limits, depending on the laws of the state or country.

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Statutes of limitations apply to crimes or civil actions. However, Offenback died in 1880, his music would no longer be under copyright.

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It will depend on the type of felony. For more serious crimes there is none, other it is 3 years.

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It will depend on the specific charges. It could be as long as ten years.

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Criminal charges are filed at any time within a specified time frame known as the Statute of Limitations, which varies from state to state, and depends on what type of criminal offense, such as misdemeanors versus felonies, crimes against property versus crimes against persons, and homicides which do not carry statutes of limitations. In some states, such as South Carolina, there are no statutes of limitations for felonies.

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What is the statute of limitations?

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