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Q: What crops did the native peoples show the Jamestown settlers how to plant?
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Who grew cash crops in Jamestown?

The English founded Jamestown. The English settlers grew the cash crops in Jamestown.

Why did Jamestown settlers have conflicts with the Native Americans there?

The settlers of Jamestown in the colony of Virginia clashed continually with the Native Americans who lived nearby. The colonists were not thoughtful when it came to planting crops and often had to rely on the Native Americans to keep them from starvation. Other sources of friction leading to conflict where things like settlers refusing to marry native women, and the enforcement of Christianity over native customs.

What the early settlers of Jamestown almost always do?

The early settlers of Jamestown almost always focused on establishing a settlement, building houses and fortifications, and cultivating crops. They had to contend with challenges such as harsh weather, lack of food, and conflicts with Native American tribes.

What did Many early Jamestown settlers aimed to rich?

Cash crops. Many different things helped but mostly cash crops such as tobacco.

What were peoples life like in Jamestown Virginia?

They starved to death. Instead of planting crops they looked for gold and they built the fort in a swampy mosquito ridden area and a Native American empire of 15,000.

Why did the settlement Jamestown nearly fail?

Most settlers searched for gold rather than planting crops

Who saved the Jamestown economy?

The Native Americans who taught the white settlers how to grow indigenous crops, such as tobacco. Tobacco turned out to be a cash crop for the settlers to the point where it was even used as currency. Without the natives' help, their settlement would have failed like previous attempts in the area.

What was the primary reason for the early struggles that confronted the Jamestown colony?

severe drought made it difficult for the settlers to cultivate crops.

How did the Powhatan confederacy help Jamestown colonist?

The Powhatan Confederacy had an extensive trade network with other Indian tribes before Jamestown was settled. When the Jamestown settlers arrived, they traded with the colonists. The settlers traded their metal tools for food and furs.

Some conflicts with jamestown and native americans?

There were several conflicts between the Jamestown Colony and the Native Americans in the area. One was the usage of Native land for cleared farmland. The Native Americans generally did not clear land of trees before planting crops.

What was the relationship like between the Jamestown settlers and the Powhattan Indians?

The Relationship Between the Settlers at Jamestown and the PowhatansJohn Smith was captured and he was going to be killed, but the native princess, Pocahontas, save him. After a while, John Rolfe, the new leader, married Pocahontas and grew crops. Growing more crops mean clearing more land. Then, the natives got irritated because there land for hunting and growing were owned by other people so they had a fight with the English. After the fight, King James I made Virginia a royal Jennifer Hsia

What are the resources of Jamestown?

Some resources that Jamestown had was the (trading with the) Powhatan Native Americans, crops (corn,beans,squash,tobacco), turkey, and supplies England sent.