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the first crops in the tribes were squash and corn and something else

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12y ago

People were hunters and gatherers, i. e., they hunted animals and gather any fruit they could collect.

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Q: What crops did the people of the Paleolithic age grow?
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What problem resulted when the people in the Paleolithic age harvested their food?

Paleolithic didn't harvest food. They were hunters/gathers and didn't grow crops. They followed herds and gathered food that they found growing.

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How did people in paleolithic age get their food?

people got there food

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The Paleolithic period (Old Stone Age) is characterized by the use of simple stone tools for hunting and gathering. The Mesolithic period (Middle Stone Age) saw a transition towards more sophisticated tools and the development of technologies like microliths. Paleo generally dates back to around 2.5 million years ago, while Meso typically ranges from around 10,000 to 5,000 years ago.

What is the age when most people where nomads?

Paleolithic,Mesolithic,and neolithic.

What is another name for the Paleolithic Age?

The Old Stone Age

Were Stone age people famers?

Some Stone Age people were hunter-gatherers, relying on hunting and gathering for sustenance. Agricultural practices, like farming, emerged later in the Neolithic period.

What age do you have to be in order to grow crops?

You just need to know how to do it.

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